How to Create a shortcut on android homescreen
Creating a shortcut on Android home screen is fairly simple.So let's get going. We begin by creating an intent giving the target activity which will open when the shortcut is pressed Intent target = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), Jumpto. class ); >>then we create another intent that is broadcast across the system : Intent shout = new Intent(); shout.putExtra(Intent. EXTRA_SHORTCUT_INTENT , target); shout.putExtra(Intent. EXTRA_SHORTCUT_NAME , "shortcut" ); shout.putExtra(Intent. EXTRA_SHORTCUT_ICON_RESOURCE , Intent.ShortcutIconResource. fromContext (getApplicationContext(), R.drawable.icon)); shout.setAction( "" ); getApplicationContext().sendBroadcast(shout); >>this intent carries all information regarding the shortcut like the name, the icon, and the activity to which it has to jump.when the broadcast is sent the launcher apps receive it and create a shortcut based on the details...